How Dark Patterns are Used to Manipulate and Profit from Consumers

How Dark Patterns are Used to Manipulate and Profit from Consumers

Today, many companies want to be the biggest star in the market, and to do so, they are using a variety of tools to influence people and increase their presence. One of these tools is the dark pattern, which is becoming increasingly popular. Dark patterns are methods used by companies to manipulate people and make a profit without their knowledge or consent. Let’s take a closer look at how this works.


Logging into apps and websites often requires additional information that may not be necessary for signing up. However, many websites ask intrusive and tricky questions about your personal life and that of your family. This can leave people feeling uneasy and unsure of the website’s privacy policies or the security of their data. To ensure you understand the consensus of the website before providing any personal information, it is vital to read the terms and conditions and privacy policy.

Forced Continuity

It basically attracts people to start a free trial, but after it automatically remains continuous for the long term and it will get the money for their services.

Roach MoTel

This strategy is used by many companies, offering a free trial of their product for a limited time. However, after the trial period ends, you may find yourself unknowingly subscribed to the service. Furthermore, the rules for canceling the subscription can be difficult to understand. To make sure you don’t find yourself in this situation, take the time to read the terms and conditions of the free trial before you sign up.

Balt and switch method

In this method, the company uses conventional switches to regulate and activate the product so that consumers are required to use the product regardless of their preferences. For example, Microsoft uses a cross switch as a trigger for software updates. This allows for automatic updates to start whenever a user decides to cross over, initiating the update process.


In conclusion, the dark pattern has become an increasingly popular tool used by companies to manipulate people and make a profit without their knowledge or consent. It is important to recognize these tactics and be aware of how companies use them to gain an advantage in the market. Companies should focus on creating genuine relationships with their customers and providing them with a safe and secure experience. By doing so, they can develop long-term relationships that benefit both the company and the customer.