Indians' Salt Consumption Skyrockets, Posing Grave Health Risks!

Indians’ Salt Consumption Skyrockets, Posing Grave Health Risks!

According to research, data shows that Indians consume more salt compared to people in other countries. Specifically, men in India consume more salt than women, which increases the risk of developing lifestyle diseases compared to other countries. This raises the question: what are the potential risks that Indian people will face in the future?

High Blood Pressure

By consuming excessive salt in our daily lives, we unknowingly contribute to the increase in our blood pressure levels. This, in turn, puts us at a higher risk of developing deadly diseases in the future.

Hyper Tension

Consuming excessive salt can significantly increase the risk of various health problems, leading to a multitude of issues in our lives. The presence of various diseases further exacerbates the level of tension we experience daily. It is crucial for Indians to reflect upon the amount of salt they consume on a daily basis.

Cardiac Disease

Research suggests that Indians may be more vulnerable to cardiac disease compared to Europeans. This susceptibility could be attributed to their higher consumption of salt, which may contribute to an increased pace of developing cardiac conditions.


Because who said salt is a white poison that increases the risk of stress factors in life? While it is true that consumption of salt is important for our bodies, overconsumption can indeed lead to health issues.


Research suggests that Indians may be more vulnerable to cardiac diseases due to their high salt intake. Excessive salt consumption can lead to the development of high blood pressure, which is a major risk factor for heart disease. This is a concerning trend, especially considering that men in India consume more salt than women. It is important for individuals to be aware of the potential risks they face and take steps to reduce their salt intake. By making conscious choices about the foods we eat and adopting healthier lifestyle habits, we can mitigate the risks and strive towards a healthier future.