How Indian Election Shapes the Nation's Economic Future (1)

How Indian Election Shapes the Nation’s Economic Future

The Indian election is often viewed as a cornerstone of the country’s democratic constitution. However, what many people overlook is its substantial impact on the nation’s economic condition. Following an election, the government introduces a new economic model aimed at bolstering future economic growth. This model is shaped by a set of crucial elements that politicians adhere to in order to drive economic progress. Let’s delve into the essential elements that politicians follow to lead economic growth.


Employment plays a pivotal role in any economy as it significantly impacts future growth. Countries with high employment rates among the younger generation experience improved living conditions and higher earning potential.


The economic landscape of India has been predominantly service-oriented, with a notable shift occurring after the economic reforms of 1991. This shift has raised the bar between the manufacturing and service sectors, causing a relative neglect of the manufacturing industry. To progress towards becoming a developed nation, India needs to prioritize and bolster its manufacturing-based industries.


The ongoing farmer protests stem from demands for an increase in Minimum Support Price (MSP) as recommended in the Swaminathan Report. The rising inflation poses significant challenges for agricultural activities, making it essential to address the concerns surrounding MSP to support the agricultural sector.

Research and Development

The field of artificial intelligence is currently at the forefront of technological advancement, propelling countries ahead of others. It is imperative for India to allocate resources towards research and development in order to cultivate a new generation of scientists specializing in this field.


In conclusion, the Indian election holds not only political significance but also a profound impact on the nation’s economic landscape. The post-election period witnesses the introduction of a new economic model designed to stimulate future growth. This model is underpinned by key elements that politicians prioritize to drive economic progress, including a focus on employment and the balance between the manufacturing and service sectors. Understanding these essential elements provides valuable insights into the intersection of politics and economic development in India.